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Press Statement from Nagaland Indigenous People’s Forum

The Nagaland Indigenous People’s Forum strongly opposes the Government of India’s decision to abolish the Free Movement Regime and erect a fence along the border with Myanmar. Despite appeals and opposition from people’s representatives and civil societies, the Union Home Minister announced this decision during the Assam Police Commandos’ Passing out parade on January 20, 2024.

We question whether the Government of India is aware of the history, customs, and culture of the indigenous people living in the imaginary border region between India and Myanmar. The government should recognize that families live on both sides of the imaginary border, leading to complications and conflicts, such as in Longwa Village in Mon district, where the Chief’s house straddles both Indian and Myanmar territories.

The arbitrary drawing of the border line without consultation has caused disputes and conflicts, and we urge the government to consider the will of the people. In a democratic society, it is expected that the government listens to the people’s will rather than imposing decisions undemocratically.

The NIPF warns that any forceful actions by the Union government in the Nagaland stretch will be deemed anti-people. We call on the Government of India to prioritize the resolution of the Indo-Naga political issue before taking steps to eliminate the Free Movement Regime and install a fence along the Indo-Myanmar border in Nagaland.

Dr. T. Lima Jamir

Richard Haolai
General Secretary

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