HomeNagalandWangpang Konyak Appointed as Advisor to Social Welfare Department

Wangpang Konyak Appointed as Advisor to Social Welfare Department

Wangpang Konyak, recently elected from the 43-Tapi Assembly Constituency, has been assigned as an advisor to the Social Welfare department. Known for his youth and grassroots origins, Konyak expressed his gratitude to the Chief Minister via social media platform X for the new role.

In a recent notification issued by the Cabinet Secretary, J Alam, Wangpang Konyak has been appointed as the Advisor to the Government of Nagaland and Member of the Nagaland Legislative Assembly with immediate effect. The Chief Minister of Nagaland has entrusted Wangpang Konyak with the advisory role in the Social Welfare department.

The notification highlights the Chief Minister’s confidence in Wangpang Konyak’s vast and practical experience, which will be instrumental in benefiting the public at large. As an Advisor, Wangpang Konyak will provide valuable insights and advice on matters referred to him by concerned departments, ensuring that decisions align with the needs and aspirations of the people.

It is important to note that Wangpang Konyak will not receive any additional pay, salary, or perks from the Government of Nagaland for his advisory role. Instead, he will continue to receive the remuneration and benefits normally admissible to him as a Member of the Nagaland Legislative Assembly through the Assembly Secretariat.

This appointment underscores the government’s commitment to leveraging the expertise and experience of elected representatives for effective governance and public welfare. Wangpang Konyak’s role as an Advisor signifies the importance of collaborative leadership and participatory decision-making in addressing the challenges and opportunities facing Nagaland.