HomeNagalandUnion Minister Faggan Singh Kulaste Engages with Self Help Groups of Ungma...

Union Minister Faggan Singh Kulaste Engages with Self Help Groups of Ungma Village

On February 16, 2024, Union Minister of State for Steel and Rural Development, Faggan Singh Kulaste, engaged with the Self Help Groups (SHGs) of Ungma Village at the Rural Assembly hall. The interaction focused on empowering women and enhancing the marketing opportunities for SHG products.

During the session, the Union Minister underscored the government’s dedication to women’s empowerment. He announced plans to increase the number of Lakhpadi Didis from Two crores to Three crores, reflecting the government’s commitment to uplift women across the nation.

Expressing concern over the marketing of SHG products, Minister Kulaste instructed the District Collector to collaborate with tribal ministers and relevant agencies to establish proper marketing platforms. He emphasized the importance of ensuring that SHG products reach wider audiences and receive adequate promotion.

In addition to discussions, Minister Kulaste visited an exhibition showcasing SHG products. He assured the SHG members of his efforts to coordinate with central government officials to facilitate effective marketing strategies for their products.

The interaction with Union Minister Faggan Singh Kulaste provided an opportunity for the SHG members of Ungma Village to voice their concerns and aspirations, while also receiving assurances of government support in their endeavors.

(Photo: DIPR)