HomeNagalandIllegal Taxation Poses Direct Impact on Nagaland Citizens, States MLA Kuzholuzo (Azo)...

Illegal Taxation Poses Direct Impact on Nagaland Citizens, States MLA Kuzholuzo (Azo) Nienu

In response to the recent closure of businesses as a form of protest against rampant illegal taxation, MLA and Leader of NPF Legislature Party, Kuzholuzo (Azo) Nienu, emphasized the detrimental effects of such actions on the Naga public. Nienu underscored that the continuous imposition of unlawful taxes directly affects citizens, leading to adverse consequences for the general public.

Expressing grave concern and condemnation towards the unchecked illegal taxation and extortion, particularly targeting the business community by various Naga Political Groups, Nienu urged stringent monitoring by these groups to prevent anti-social activities that hinder the progress of Naga society.

Nienu also commended the State Government’s directives aimed at addressing all forms of extortion and illegal taxation targeting businesses. He called upon the business community to adhere to these directives and urged the public to cooperate fully with government agencies to eradicate the culture of extortion and illegal taxation. Additionally, Nienu urged citizens and business owners to report any illegal activities promptly to the authorities.