HomeNagalandWazeho Cement Plant killed by corruption | Rising People's Party

Wazeho Cement Plant killed by corruption | Rising People’s Party

For 19 years, that is, from 2004 till date, the Wazeho Cement Plant under Meluri sub-division has ceased its operation because some of the present politicians were involved in the decision to buy inferior quality machines.

This fact came to light during the RPP’s recent tour of Meluri sub-division including visitation of Avangkhu ITC (International Trade Centre). 

From 1992-2003, the 50 TPD (Tonnes Per Day) Wazeho Cement Plant was running smoothly. Then the state government decided to upgrade the plant to 100 TPD with Saboo Engineering Pvt Ltd machineries. Despite the protests of NSMDC (Nagaland State Mineral Development Corporation) officials that the Saboo machines were of inferior quality, the state government overruled the protest of the experts. 

The RPP believes that some politicians of the present ruling government were involved in that fateful decision taken in 2003-04. The role of kickbacks or bribes taken for the decision to buy inferior machines is a strong possibility.  

In 2004, the inferior machines were installed but the process was completed only in 2008. The machines then broke down beyond repair only after 1 month of operation.

The result has been horrendous. Let it sink. The richest region has been kept economically backward for decades on because some politicians decided to enrich themselves through unethical and criminal means. This crime should not go unpunished. The RPP will push for a probe or a court of enquiry. 

The present Chairman of NSMDC should not speak of privatization. According to sources, the plant can be revived after an infusion of Rs. 20-30 Cr. If the present NDPP-BJP coalition can freely give 120 Cr and 23 JCBs (worth 36 Lakhs each) to all the 60 MLAs – just like distributing peanuts, what is Rs. 30 Cr? 

The Chairman of NSMDC is once again reminded that in 2020-21, the NLA Committee on Public Undertakings recommended that the Wazeho Cement Plant be operated by the state government instead of being privatized. 

In any case, the RPP is strongly opposed to privatization for the simple reason that the NSMDC employees at the Wazeho factory are competent enough to run the plant.  

The two-lane connectivity to Burma via Wazeho and Avangkhu ITC is nearing completion, and if the cement factory is revived without delay, it’s no exaggeration to state that Meluri sub-division will become the richest per capita in the state. Burma needs cement, and the other economic benefits of a Moreh like township in Meluri area is a possibility if the NDPP-BJP coalition is sincere.  

Rising People’s Party

December 2, 2023